Women’s Month may have ended, but the work to protect women and girls continue. Gender-based violence is seen as South Africa’s second pandemic, and GBV was the focus of two... read more →
Our board chair Sahra Ryklief spoke to Financial Mail recently, about the changing face of BEE in South Africa. "No longer aimed at the huge enrichment of the connected few,... read more →
A well-established electronics engineering company is seeing rapid growth in demand for its world-class electrical products and integration solutions. Their clients are large mining and industrial companies, very often acting... read more →
Ditikeni shareholder the Association for Rural Advancement looks for practical ways to empower and support small scale farmers. One such farmer is Philani Ngcobo in KwaZulu-Natal. Here is his story.
Our shareholder the Development Action Group worked with the Isandla Institute to commission a legal opinion on the obligations and powers of municipal governments to provide basic services for backyarder... read more →
“Stewardship” is defined in the dictionary as “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care”. We asked some of our Board members to reflect on this definition... read more →
Our latest annual report has just been completed. The report looks at our progress over the past 12 months, and how we have grown over the 23 years since the... read more →
Ditikeni is again profiling the best and the brightest of South African art this year. Every annual report we publish features artwork that shows the rich talent our country holds... read more →
Our shareholders campaign for the rights of poor and destitute people across our country. One such campaign is access to our social security system, which has been an issue driven... read more →
The Development Action Group is one of our shareholders. They support communities to strengthen community organizing; enabling affordable housing, land and tenure security; resist evictions; and shape urban development policies.... read more →