2018 Annual Report
The 2018 Ditikeni annual report featured a focus on gender based violence, including information on what some of Ditikeni’s shareholders are doing to create awareness about and to combat GBV. Artwork for this report, commissioned by Ditikeni, is titled “Look into my eyes and what do you see.” The piece, comprising crocheted ribbon, wire and mirror pieces, is by Zola Ndimande. It is on permanent display at Ditikeni’s offices.
Zola Ndimande was born in eThekwini and is based in Cape Town, South Africa. She describes herself as “currently a crochet artist” who uses her work to explore connection to identity, culture, family and self. She studied Interior Design and Architecture at the University of Johannesburg. Exhibitions include “The Womb Experience” and “Body of Work: Abortion Conversations”.