Ditikeni Investment Company offers an opportunity for your business to earn enterprise development (ED) points for your B-BBEE scorecard, while helping to create sustainable financial security for its beneficiaries – fourteen of South Africa’s premier non-profit organisations.
Ditikeni is a verified category A enterprise development beneficiary as per the Department of Trade and Industry’s B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice. ED contributions made to Ditikeni will be recognised at the increased factor of 1.25. With Ditikeni’s track record and strong corporate government practices, you have the assurance that your contributions will be responsibly employed. ED contributions may be monetary, non-monetary, recoverable or non-recoverable. Monetary contributions received by Ditikeni may be applied as capital in the furtherance of its investment objectives.
Why make a contribution to Ditikeni?
- To meet your B-BBEE scorecard obligations.
- To provide a sustainable solution to communities.
- Possible consolidation of your company’s socio-economic development (SED) and ED contributions in one social cause, to maximise impact.
For more information contact:
Michael Hands
Email: michaelhands@ditikeni.co.za
Ph: 021 447 9277
Click here to view the Ditikeni Investment Company ED Assessment Certificate